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  • Trang chủ »Linh kiện máy tính»Vỏ máy tính - Case»Case Thermaltake

    Vỏ case máy tính Thermaltake Core V71

    Mã SP: V71   |   Đánh giá: rate Xem đánh giá   |  Lượt xem: 951 lượt

    • Chuẩn case: Full Tower
    Kích thước (Cao x Rộng x Dài): 583 x 230 x 560 mm
    • Cửa sổ mika: có
    • Màu sắc/Chất liệu/Cân nặng: Đen / Khung thép mạ Crom (SECC), vỏ Thép & Plastic, mặt lưới /Cân nặng: 13.2 Kg
    • Cổng giao tiếp mặt trước (x Số cổng): USB3.0 x2, USB2.0 x 2, Audio & 1 Mic x1
    • Chuẩn main hỗ trợ: ATX, micro ATX, E-ATX
    • Khay gắn (xSố khay): HDD 3.5''/2.5'' x8 (quay ngang) , DVD 5.25'' x2, FFD 3.5'' x1,
    • Khe mở rộng: 8

    • Quạt làm mát: tổng 7 quạt
    Trước: 2 fan đi kèm 200 x 200 x 30 mm Colorshift fan x 1 (600~800rpm,13~15dBA) or 120 x 120 x 25 mm x 3 (tùy chọn)
    Sau: 1 fan 140 x 140 x 25 mm TurboFan, 1000rpm, 16dBA
    Trên: 1 fan 200 x 200 x 30 mm Colorshift fan x 1 (600~800rpm, 13~15dBA) & 1 fan 200 x 200 x 30 mm x 1 (tùy chọn) hoặc 140 x 140 x 25 mm x 2 (tùy chọn) tùy 120 x 120 x 25 mm x 2 (tùy chọn)
    Dưới: 140 x 140 x 25 mm x 2 (tùy chọn)
    • Hỗ trợ: tản CPU cao 175mm / VGA dài 375mm.
    Tản nước - Radiator:
    1 x 120mm or 1 x 240mm or 1 x 360mm
    1 x 140mm or 1 x 280mm or 1 x 420mm
    1 x 120mm or 1 x 240mm or 1 x 360mm
    1 x 140mm or 1 x 280mm or 1 x 420mm
    1 x 120mm or 1 x 140mm
    1 x 120mm or 1 x 240mm
    1 x 140mm or 1 x 280mm
    Kho hàng: Còn hàng
    Bảo hành: 0
    Giao hàng: Phí giao hàng và cài đặt : 30.000 VNĐ (Trong phạm vi 8km).

    Hãy gọi ngay vào hotline để được tư vấn trực tiếp về sản phẩm

    Ms. Thu Hà


    Mr. Phương


    Mô tả chi tiết

    Ưu điểm:
    - Thiết kế ấn tượng, tạo cảm giác khác lạ ngay từ cái nhìn đầu tiên

    - Hỗ trợ VGA dài.

    - Có 2 cổng usb 3.0 gắn trong.

    - Tích hợp sẵn quạt led 12cm cao cấp


    Thermaltake Core V71 Full-Tower Chassis
    Experience the next generation of chassis design! Thermaltake has introduced a new concept for more versatility and adaptability to any configuration. The Core V71 full-tower E-ATX case gives PC enthusiasts flexible installation options and seamless operation. Users can keep their systems cool by modifying the chassis for superior liquid cooling or superb airflow. This new chassis is the ultimate powerhouse suitable for any type of PC enthusiast – no matter liquid cooling or extreme airflow.
    Thermaltake Core V71
    Enthusiast-Focused Design
    Subtle curves, bold textures and clean lines are featured in many award-winning case designs from Thermaltake. Core V71 keeps to this trend, including enthusiast-level features while keeping the design simple. The massive mesh design maintains a constant stream of fresh air inside the case while keeping the hot air out. The integration of a fan controller and LED indicator,offers a perfect complement outside of the chassis.
    Fully Modular Concept
    A highly customizable 5.25” & 3.5” drive bay feature enables users to freely interchange the 3.5” hard-drive cages to suit their needs and remove the 5.25” & 3.5” drive bays to gain maximum interior space for advance cooling performance or liquid system build.

    Tool-Free Installation
    The exclusive back-tray design allows the user to assemble and expand easily and quickly when all the drive cages have been removed. Time-saving screwless assembly with the 5.25” & 3.5” tool-free drive bay design minimizes the hassles of installing ODD and HDD devices and maximizes the convenience and ease of accessibility.
    Supreme Air Cooling System
    Core V71 is built with a fundamental airflow-optimized design. Standard equipped with triple 200mm LED fans and a 140mm fan, it is the first chassis in the market that has the ability to house four 200mm fans along with three more 120mm fans, achieving unrivalled airflow.
    Extensive Liquid Cooling Support
    Core V71 pushes the envelope and utilizes a high-end water-cooling solution that feature front 360/420mm, top 360/420mm and bottom 120/240mm radiators to support extreme performance.
    Core V71 Radiator Supporting List
    Radiator Compatibility
      120mm 140mm 240mm 280mm 360mm 420mm
    Front * * * * * *
    Top * * * * * *
    Rear *          
    Bottom *   *      

    Water 3.0 Compatibility List
      Ultimate Extreme
    Extreme S
    Pro Performer
    Performer C
    Front   * * *
    Top * * * *
    Rear     * *
    Bottom   * * *
    Core V71 Fan
    Supporting List
    Fan Compatibility List
      120mm 140mm 200mm
    Front 3 2 2
    Top 3 2 2
    Rear 1 1 -
    Bottom 2 - -

    Thermaltake Compatible Fan
    PURE FAN Series *   *
    LUNA FAN Series *    

    Core V71 fan control board is compatible with V71 blue LED fan ONLY. The use of other fans may cause connected fans to act erratically or cause damage to the fans and the board.

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